Before the Flood
Our Care for Creation Team is hosting a viewing of the documentary Before the Flood, which portrays the risks of
World Day of Prayer
Church Women United invites you to A World Day of Prayer: A Glimpse of the Philippine Situation, at St. Mary’s
All Are Welcome: Potluck & Time for Sharing
We have another opportunity to gather outside of church with UCC members and friends. Melissa Ulrickson has graciously offered her home
Visiting Missionaries
Karen and John Campbell-Nelson, missionaries serving in Indonesia since 1981, will be visiting our congregation the weekend of March 25
Care for Creation Invitation
Join us for a conversation with Karin Stein, who will share with us her vision and her hard work on
Community Meal
Grinnell UCC Outreach will be hosting the Community Meal at Davis School. Volunteers needed. Details to follow.
Take Away Hunger
Our next packaging event to fight world hunger will be on Palm Sunday, April 9th from 2:30 – 3:15 at the