Contact: 902 Broad St Grinnell, IA 50112 (641) 236-3111
Worship on Sundays at 10:30am Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30am-3:30pm

Leadership in Ministry Retreat

The heartbeat of our church is the work of passionate ministry teams who bear witness to the grace of God

Rally Day

2017 - 2018 program year begins

Pie Sunday

The congregation will gather their pledges for the coming calendar year.

Retiree Wine & Cheese

Connect with other retirees from Grinnell UCC, and join Pastor Jessica for a wine & cheese event held at Mayflower's

Central Association Meeting

The Spring meeting of the Central Association of the Iowa Conference of the UCC will be held at Pilgrim Heights

Collect for MICA

On Communion Sunday, the first Sunday of each month, we collect non-perishable items and funds for our local MICA food

Rally Day

First Sunday of the program year! Join us for Sunday School at 9:15am, worship at 10:30am and a picnic following

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